999.00 Taka BDT ৳
May 22, 2021

Call Center PABX আপনার বাণিজ্যিক নম্বরে কল আসা মাত্রই শুভেচ্ছা বার্তা জানিয়ে ট্রান্সপার হবে আপনার এজেন্টের কাছে। কোনো গ্রাহকের কল মিসিং হওয়ায় সম্ভবনা কমে যাবে সহজেই। আপনার বাণিজ্যিক গতিধারা হবে আরো উন্নত এবং গ্রাহক থাকবে সন্তুষ্ট। * মাসিক বিল হরে মূল্য নির্ধারণ। ...

99.00 Taka BDT ৳
May 22, 2021

Website Hosting - CPanel আপনার বাণিজ্যিক ওয়েবসাইট আরো গতিশীল করতে সামান্য খরচে আমাদের হোস্টিং বেবহার করে দেখতে পারেন।* মাসিক বিল হরে মূল্য নির্ধারণ।  বিস্তারিত জানতে কল করুন। +8801842460000

999.00 Taka BDT ৳
May 22, 2021

Website Design Business/ECommarce আপনার বাণিজ্যিক প্রসারে - ওয়েবসাইট নির্মাণের আমরা আছি আপনার পাশে। ডিজাইন এবং কাস্টম প্রোগ্রামের উপর মূল্য বাড়তে পারে।   * এককালীন মূল্য নির্ধারণ।  বিস্তারিত জানতে কল করুন। +8801842460000

850.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Unicare Safety Goggles Wide vision design, optimum fit, prescription eye ware, wrap around modern style, panoramic vision, anti scratch and anti for coated lens on both sides, made in India.

850.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

OmniTrust Disposable Vinyl Hand Gloves Medium size, 100 pieces in 1 box, flexibility and natural fit without the risk of allergic reactions to latex protein, manufactured of virgin PVC resin, ambidextrous, natural rubber latex, non-sterile, single use, powder free gloves, for usable in ch...

950.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Industrial Waterproof Safety Gumboot PVC outside + special material, waterproof, usable for construction / mining / oil industry / agriculture / gardening / anti oil / acid, origin is Guangdong, China.

3500.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Flus IR-805B Human Body Infrared Thermometer Handheld 32 to 42° C body temperature measurement range, ± 0.3° C high accuracy, ℃ / ° F conversion selection switch, gun tip measure temperature from 5 to 15 cm from the forehead, fast measurement, power off automatically and save battery.

950.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Fingertip CMS-50D Audible Pulse Oximeter Mini USB port, adjustable display brightness, alarm with a high and low limit, one-button operation, audible pulse sound and waveform graphical display, automatically turn off when not in use, low battery alarm, suitable for used in family / hospital...

85000.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Pantone FHIC300A Fashion Home+ Interiors Cotton Planner 2625 reference colors, handy for designers and in-house colorists, helps visualizing and then specifying colors for textile / fashion / interior design applications, perfect for team and departmental use.

18000.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Pantone FHIP110A TPG Fashion Home Interiors Color Guide 2625 colors as a lacquer coating on paper for hard home goods, potable fan deck in two volume sets, eco-friendly coating formulation, TPG colors match back to TCX, application for ceramics / paint / cosmetics / fashion accessories / leather goods.

55000.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Pantone FHIC200A Fashion Home Interiors Cotton Passport Description 2625 Pantone colors on cotton, perfect size to carry in places like fabric stores / showrooms / client meetings / mills, includes mask tool to isolate and view a single color chip, use for textiles / apparel / soft home / interiors produc...

45000.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

Santian KM Boutique Cloth Cutting Machine Automatic knife sharpener with modern and most advanced technology, cutting material such as cotton, woollen, linen, chemical fiber, silk and leather. Made in China. The parts of this machine can be exchanged with KM model KS-AUB. Highlights Middle t...

45500.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Sagartex International

10'' Servo Cutting Machine Model ST-7001VS, large power, low noise, quick and stable cutting, cutter set and the base of the machine is made of high grade anti rust material, easy operation and high efficiency, automatic knife grinding, compatible for cutting cloth of fabric /...

18000.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Best Trims

Pantone FHIP110A TPG Fashion Home Interiors Color Guide 2625 colors as a lacquer coating on paper for hard home goods, potable fan deck in two volume sets, eco-friendly coating formulation, TPG colors match back to TCX, application for ceramics / paint / cosmetics / fashion accessories / leather goods

9250.00 Taka BDT ৳
October 24, 2020
Best Trims

Digital Caliper IP54 12" Vernier Scale Stainless steel with large LCD display, terma ABS origin digital caliper, waterproof digital vernier caliper, mm / inch button, outside measurement, 16.5 x 5 x 1.2-inch dimension.